With all the media focus now on the Liberal Democrats and whether Cameron can have a come-back that would give him a working majority in Parliament, it seems everyone has forgotten the fact that Labour are on course for an electoral catastrophe. According to the opinion polls Labour are on average at just 27% of the vote. This if repeated on May 6th will be worse than Labour's horrendous defeat in 1983 when Michael Foot was leader. Indeed the latest ICM poll to come out has Labour currently on 26%.
The reason this has not been talked about as much as it should is because Labour are hoping to cling on to power with the help of the Liberal Democrats and their holier-than-thou pure leader, Nick Clegg. As I've said in previous posts, due to the current electoral system even if Labour come third in the popular vote they could still have the most seats come May 7th. So, despite the fact on average some 73% of the electorate plan to vote against Labour they may still be in power for another four or five years. God help us all.
Personally I plan to vote for neither of the three old parties. I am putting my faith in the UK Independence Party because I support their 31% flat tax and especially as a younger person support their no tax on the minimum wage and their plans to abolish tuition fees.
One word of advice to the Tories though, maybe if you highlighted the fact the Labour government are on course for a major haemorraging of electoral support that has not been witnessed for decades, you might just turn the tide. The scrutiny that should have been given to the Liberal Democrats also has not succeeded because Cameron didn't go straight for the jugular.
Anyway enough of that, vote UKIP!
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