The second of the Prime-Ministerial debates ended last night with a somewhat expected anti-climax. Focusing on Foreign Affairs, the debate gave the three party leaders the chance to flex their muscles and show (or in Brown's case reinforce) what they can do for Britain in the world. Not one of them proved they can be an international statesman and why I hear you cry? Because they neglected the crucial international issues that affect Britain: the European Union, mass immigration and international security.
The EU was always going to be a tough one for Cameron, his own party is still split (albeit behind the scenes) over Europe and his own position on it leaves many suspicious. His performance reminded me of William Hague's pathetic "In Europe, not run by Europe" rubbish from when he was Tory leader. Let's just get this straight shall we, if we are in the political institution of the European Union we ARE run by Europe. As an EU member, we cannot determine our own trade deals, immigration levels and even to some extent our own judicial matters.
It was the simple fact that because we had our own currency as opposed to the Euro, we could revalue and in turn lower interest rates during the recession. This then saved us from the economic oblivion witnessed in Greece and the other weaker European economies which are in an economic straighjacket with the more robust and larger economies of Germany and France. None of this was mentioned by the three leaders last night.
The European Union is a prison of nations, not one of the 500 million people of the 27 member states has had a democratic say on this union, Britain in particular not since 1975. Even those who have such as the Irish in 2008 and 2009, when they initially said no to further political union they were told to vote again until they said yes and then legislation is rammed down our throats without us asking for it. It is an undemocratic, unaccountable, bureaucratic monstrosity. The reason Britain has not had a say over this for 35 years is because the three old parties know the British would vote no to further political union.
Why should we be controlled by something that we cannot even vote for? The European Parliament doesn't even create legislation it merely votes yes or no to the laws made by the unelected European Commission; appointed by the member states instead of by vote. The EU is a farce and the three political leaders last night shied away from fear of the truth. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Outside of the European Union, an independent Britain could choose to trade with the world, with growing economies such as Brazil, India and China. We could control immigration to levels that don't put pressure on our public services but still maintain and allow economic workers to come and commit to our economy. We could determine what countries we can help with aid and create trade agreements to inject prosperity into the third world countries. We could look at our parliament and see a fully accountable democracy where the undemocratic EU does not hold any power.
The three failed old parties failed to mention all that last night. They scaremonger saying Britain would be isolated with the world, trade would plummet and jobs would disappear. Nonsense! There is nothing stopping an independent Britain reaching out to the world and trading and cooperatiing with nations. Switzerland and Norway are not within the EU, are they isolated? No. Britain can be a global economic and trading power outside the shackles of the European Union. They say the EU has stopped wars in Europe. Not true. Before the official creation of the EEC (which turned into the EU) in 1973, it was NATO and the United Nations that brought the nations of the world together without any political union needed.
Last night the three leaders lied to you, they have lied to all of us for decades. For once vote for honesty and straight talking, clarity and commonsense.
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