With all the news basically obsessing over the Liberal Democrats coming first in two recent opinion polls, it does beg the question: what would their policies do to Britain? In particular I am incredibly nervous about their plans to scrap Trident, our independent nuclear deterrent. Undoubtedly it appeals to the Left and a lot of young people who see nuclear threats as a thing of the past but one must look at the wider picture. To take away something that is only there as a deterrent to protect us from rogue states is simply irresponsible. It is allowing narrow-minded ideology to get in the way of pragmatic national security.
The Liberal Democrats claim it would save us £100bn over 10-20 years but fail to mention what could happen in those two decades, especially considering the growing arrogance of Iran and the unpredictability of North Korea. No-one can predict the future and the Liberal Democrats are foolish to presume they can scrap it without any consequences whatsoever. Clegg, in another attempt to be in the "I'm not like the others, honest!" mode said how our nuclear weapons were only meant to "wipe Moscow and St.Petersburg off the map". Well yes, they were meant for that but funnily enough our threats have shifted over time Nick.
We must retain our Trident system in order for real national security to be maintained and protected. There are dangers out there that have yet to surface and Britain must be prepared for them. Scrapping Trident would only weaken our defences at a time when other states wish to do harm not just to us but to our Allies across the globe.
If it costs as much as Clegg claims, then perhaps that is a price worth paying for to protect the British people from unimaginable horrors.
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