After reading an article in today's Daily Telegraph about Lord Pearson's intentions to actively canvass with Labour and Tory Eurosceptics, I was left feeling utter outrage. Believing it to be a noble cause, Lord Pearson has recently failed to persuade the majority of UKIP candidates standing against these 'eurosceptics' to stand down, they have refused to and rightly so.
I am speaking out against Lord Pearson because I feel not only is he betraying fellow party members and candidates but also tarnishing UKIP with the one-issue EU obsessiveness that so many (including myself) have tried to shake off. If these eurosceptics from other parties are indeed eurosceptics, then why is it they have not spoken out about it before? Why have they not done more in parliament and within their own respective parties? I don't care if they are eurosceptics and neither will the majority of the British electorate. Indeed this idea of standing down for other parties and indeed even canvassing for them will not only confuse any potential supporters but also drive them away.
Lord Pearson would also be wise not to fall into such contradictory territory as he does in the article above. At one point he mentions the "three failed old parties" (a term supported by many UKIP members) and yet professes to say how he plans to campaign for some of their candidates. So what do you really believe Lord Pearson? Are you in this for UKIP or to simply damage (or indeed help?) your previous party, the Tories?
This is a disgrace for all the hard-working activists and candidates who are standing not just so voters can have a voice on matters of the European Union but also to vote for a party that wants to cut taxes for all, increase accountability and democracy through referendums and make our schools centres of excellence through increased choice and accessibility.
It is a disgrace to all the people who have done so much in making the UK Independence Party a party with a fully-fledged, long term domestic agenda which can rival the other parties and finally succeed in national elections. UKIP is not just about the EU, so people should stop acting like it is.
Enough Lord Pearson, stop betraying your own party.
I would agree that Lord Pearson appears to be confused over the aims of UKIP. By voting either, Labour, Tory or Lib-Dems, we are encouraging our enemies !
I believe that you are either with us - or not !
This was a badly thought-out policy and should be very carefully reconsidered - and dropped.
Totally agree. It seems he doesn't quite understand the wishes of the UKIP membership.
We want to be a party with aspirations for government and policies that can radical change and improve Britain.
You're right, it should be dropped. Immediately.
Have to say I'll agree with this one. It doesn't send the right message to voters.
I'm a Liberal Democrat and gotta say this doesn't look good for you guys ha !
Says the person whose party leader is doing well out of style, spin and vagueness of policies. He makes out he is the anti-politics politician but he's just as bad as the other two, even claiming more in expenses than both Brown and Cameron saying he did so because his garden was an 'eyesore'. What absolute nonsense, he should have paid for that out of his own salary. So in that respect, it doesn't look good for you guys.
Basically my view on this is that the overall mission is not just to get the UK out of the EU but to change the country for the better. The fundamental question of the purpose of government is the root of where my views lie and why I chose to support UKIP, Labour, Lib-Dem and Conservative ALL will not shrink the public sector to a reasonable level and we are heading towards a full on LibLabCon dictatorship which can only end in violent revolution. Whilst I understand that many policy areas and actually gaining real control of the country requires leaving the EU, the COnservative and Labour candidates in my eyes are not "suitably Eurosceptic" as they are content to allow the OLD FAILED parties to remain in the Westminster driving seat and take their MP perks rather than throwing in their lot with a REAL up and coming party and working for real change. Anyone who is content to remain in the failed old parties should be treated as what they are. SCUM.
Agreed. And good point about what UKIP can do post withdrawal. Smaller government, lower taxes, efficient public services, stronger defence and so on! If these 'eurosceptic' MPs from other parties feel so strongly on the matter, it raises the question: why do you still remain in your party? The answer of course is because they are in their given parties because they believe in other things just like we do. So standing down for them is effectively helping their own party's agenda.
NO ! NO! NO! we must not allow these people to use the years of hard slog by UKIP to cream off the benefits for there own greedy purpose. We have worked too long getting our message across to the disbelieving and sadly in some cases naive public for the self serving ministers in Westminster to help themselves to he fruits of our/UKIPs labour. The people are at last wide awake to the fraudulant use of their hard earned cash by those whose only concern is 'whats in it for them' this is war! and we must fight by all the rules necessary to save our country from the terrible future Greece is staring at right now.
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